Boston butt, to foil or not to foil? (2025)

fatty patty

Fire Starter

Original poster

Jul 26, 2014
  • Jul 26, 2014
  • #1

Ok, mastered ribs, on to Boston butt. I won't touch my ribs with foil but seems to be best way to seal in juices/flavor during last few hours on smoker when smokin' up a big pork shoulder. What ya'll think about this?


Epic Pitmaster

OTBS Member

Oct 4, 2012
Bend Oregon
  • Jul 26, 2014
  • #2

I don't foil. Never had a problem with the pork being dry. I do foil and let rest for a hour prior to pulling.

Rafter H BBQ

Epic Pitmaster

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★ Lifetime Premier ★

Jun 18, 2013
S.E. Idaho
  • Jul 26, 2014
  • #3

Like Case, I don't foil either.... Like the bark too much ! No issues with dryness....


Smoking Fanatic
Jun 15, 2014
Twin City, GA
  • Jul 26, 2014
  • #4

Hi Fatty...or is it Patty? Anyway, I believe in foil, and high heat for butts. But, for everyone who believes this, there is an alternate universe where someone believes the opposite. I think it really comes down to what you like to do, and flavor and texture are practically indiscernible if either method is done correctly.

The benefits of high heat and foil is time and fuel saved. If you have an electric smoker, and time doesn't matter then low and slow is great. I could write a book on the different opinions I've read just in this one forum on the subject.

My last butt smoke (2 8-pounders) I cooked on my SFB for 4 hours to smoke'em up, then wrapped them in foil and put them in my ancient electric smoker overnight. It was low and slow, but I had plenty of time and it was great. However, the exact same results can be had hot and fast. Look through the forums, or better yet, use the search box at the top of the page and you'll see what I mean.


Master of the Pit

SMF Premier Member

Oct 25, 2010
central ct
  • Jul 26, 2014
  • #5

I never foil....and I smoke at higher temps. Butts / shoulders have plenty of moisture and fat to keep them moist and flavorful. After years of smoking I've gone to as easy as possible. Rub it up, throw it on at 280 or so, get up to temp, then wrap to rest. If I'm feeling energetic I may spritz a couple times but I usually don't like opening the chamber if possible.

  • Boston butt, to foil or not to foil? (6)




Jul 20, 2014
  • Jul 28, 2014
  • #6

I've done both, seems like it comes down to the texture of the bark. I normally wrap everything except for chicken, it is said to steam and retain its own moisture. But after I was stuck out in a beautiful lightning show one night in the rain with my beer and tongs in hand because of the dreaded stall (first time for that) I will wrap chicken as well. From what I understand wrapping your meat helps prevent this from happening.

Last edited:


Smoking Fanatic
Jun 26, 2010
Middle Tennessee
  • Jul 29, 2014
  • #7

I'm lazy....Once the meat is on the smoker it doesn't get touched until it's done. Then it gets wrapped for a nice long rest.


Meat Mopper
Jun 9, 2014
Chicago Area
  • Jul 30, 2014
  • #8

Pastrami, brisket, pulled pork, I did not foil. Judging from other posts it does increase cooking time but I have no issue with them being dried out.

Next is BB ribs without foil

Equipment electric 30" MES


Master of the Pit

OTBS Member

Dec 26, 2007
Beautifull shores of Lake Superior
  • Jul 30, 2014
  • #9

I usually pan and wrap once the internal hits 165 or 170. Then put back on until 205 and then in the cooler to rest.

I do this to catch all those great juices. Things really start to break down at 165 and I hate to lose all those juices. They usually have been on the smoker 6 to 8 hours before they reach that temp so you have plenty of smoke and bark by that point.

I do however fold a corner of the foil back to let some steam escape.


Master of the Pit
Oct 25, 2011
Houston, Texas, USA
  • Jul 30, 2014
  • #10

Even when I don't wrap it is not dry. I do normally pan, mine. The juices enhance so many different dishes. I don't get the bark that I like, but the home boss

Boston butt, to foil or not to foil? (12)

likes her pulled pork softer so that is apparently how I prefer it as well. . . . . .

Either way, good luck.


Smoking Fanatic
Jun 15, 2014
Twin City, GA
  • Jul 30, 2014
  • #11

See what I mean? Of the responders to just this one thread, it is evenly split.


Smoking Fanatic
Mar 10, 2014
Valleyfield, Quebec
  • Jul 30, 2014
  • #12

Like Frosty, I pan mine but do not cover. I get to keep all the juices while being able to smoke other stuff on my second rack. Might be sacrificing some bark...but good enough for me and the fam :)


  • knifebld


Master of the Pit

OTBS Member

Apr 22, 2011
Washington, DC
  • Jul 30, 2014
  • #13

I look forward to your threads on charcoal vs gas, favorite bbq sauces and lump vs briquettes.


Master of the Pit
May 5, 2011
San Marcos, California (North San Diego County)
  • Jul 31, 2014
  • #14

Never foil here!!!

chef willie

Master of the Pit

OTBS Member

Dec 31, 2010
Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • Jul 31, 2014
  • #15

no foil normally unless I screwed up and got a late start and want to hurry things along. I do pan, but underneath on it's own rack, to catch drippings. The drips are good mixed back into the meat and being lazy I hate drippins all over the bottom of the smoker I gotta clean up, usually the next day when not under the influence and it's a congealed mess....Willie


Master of the Pit
Jan 29, 2010
Waitsburg Washington
  • Jul 31, 2014
  • #16

I foiled the last one due to the time, it was the wee hours and I was going down fast. It was great. But I do love me some bark, so the next one naked. I love the juices so I suspend butts on an inverted rib rack over an aluminum pan. Keeps her up out of the grease.

home owner butt.jpg

  • timberjet

halfway there 1.jpg

  • timberjet


Meat Mopper
Aug 28, 2013
Victoria, Texas
  • Jul 31, 2014
  • #17

I do not foil my butts. In fact, I have a 10.38 pounder on the smoker now (for the weekend) and I put it on about 8:45 this morning and it will not be done till later tonight. Pull it after a rest and then throw it in the fridge. Going camping with the grandkids so tomorrow night we will have Pulled Pork Sammies.

Boston butt, to foil or not to foil? (23)

They love'em.


Epic Pitmaster

OTBS Member

SMF Premier Member

Oct 31, 2012
Canadian Rockies
  • Jul 31, 2014
  • #18

Unlike the other responses, I don't have a preference. To me, they are like two different dishes. I really like the texture of the meat when it is foiled and it still has a nice bark. When I don't foil, I get a great bark but the texture isn't as good as foiled. However, the texture is great with unfoiled and the bark is great with foiling just not as good as the alternative.

I make whichever one I feel like.



Smoking Fanatic
Mar 10, 2014
Valleyfield, Quebec
  • Aug 1, 2014
  • #19

This is a fun me wanting to test out both foiled and unfoiled and compare results. Just called my butcher and reserved 4x 9lbs butts. Gonna take two for the test and cure the other two for pulled ham in a few weeks.


Epic Pitmaster

OTBS Member

SMF Premier Member

Oct 31, 2012
Canadian Rockies
  • Aug 1, 2014
  • #20

knifebld said:

This is a fun me wanting to test out both foiled and unfoiled and compare results. Just called my butcher and reserved 4x 9lbs butts. Gonna take two for the test and cure the other two for pulled ham in a few weeks.

We await your post!


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Boston butt, to foil or not to foil? (2025)
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